Arm or disarm your system remotely
Know what’s happening in your home at all times
No phone line needed
Smart Home Security is a dedicated wireless connectivity letting you stay protected and connected to your home remotely from your mobile device, or computer. Receive instant alerts via email or text when alarms are triggered, doors open, the power goes out or when any other event that’s important to you occurs. Arm or disarm your system, control lights, and other appliances no matter where you are.
Other benefits include:
- Personalized User Codes let you see who armed and disarmed the system and when.
- Geo Tracking to alert you when you have forgotten to arm your system once you have left your home.
- Multi-System Access, which lets you access multiple systems from a single account. Ideal for people who have second homes or families with parents who live alone.
The mobile apps are free, easy to use and work on most mobile devices.
Contact Cabling Systems, Inc. at 540.439.0101 or info@cablingsystemsonline.com and take the first step toward obtaining the best security system for your business!